Book Review : Why Do People Believe In Evolution

Why Do People Believe In Evolution

Book Review  # 2


Why Do People Believe In Evolution was written by :   Bert Thompson, PH.D.

Number of Pages :    8

Paperback or Hardcover :    Paperback — Booklet

Cost/Price :   $0.10 each  / $ 9.00 per Hundred  /  $80.00 Thousand

ISBN :   xxxxxxxx

Category :   Religion / Apologetic / Defending the Faith

Other :    Part of the Apologetic Press Works


Short Statement On Book

(  Bert Thompson is the Executive Director of the “AP” [Apologetic Press] and a former professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine, Texas A&M University. )

This dynamic eight page booklet will bring you into the world of evolution Vs. Creation. On the side of creation, this booklet uses eight points/reasons of not why creation is correct and evolution is wrong and in error, instead these are eight reasons/points explain why people do believe in evolution. Not using only what the author thinks of why they believe in evolution, but he also uses references from thirteen books that talk and discuss and teach about evolution, you know you are reading truth and facts, instead of thoughts and opinions, from a creationist.

This booklet is also not a solo track of info, but in a series of tracks, some of the tracks, but not all of them are Creation — A Belief of Fools?  and  The Bible  And The Laws Of Science: The Law of Biogenesis.

My Thoughts On the Book

After reading this booklet I began to understand from a biblical creationist’s point of view on how to understand on why and how anyone can believe in something as false and stupid as evolution. Going into apologetics myself, and getting taught, I found this booklet to be extremely helpful, encouraging, and educational. You will be shocked at all the info inside it, and you will be shocked even more to learn what evolutionist teachers admit to why they believe in what they do and how millions just simply accept it as truth, without ever looking into it themselves.

Book Review Grade : A +

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