Lost your faith in Christ/God? Proverbs 2:11

Lost your faith in Christ/God?   Proverbs 2:11

Lost your faith? Lost hope in God? Falling or backsliding away from God? If you are, you are more likely lacking these two things found in verse 11.

If you want to know how to get those things which will ALWAYS keep you close to God ( it’s a promise from God ), then read from verse 1 down to 11, in Proverbs chapter 2.

Because if you don’t, verses 12-22 explains all the troubles, heart-aches, and turmoils that WILL lay ahead of you until death, herself, takes you.

So I encourage you brother or sister who is hurting and running from The Lord, to stop, be still and know that He is God and begin to learn from Him that like verse 11 says, you too can be preserved from evil by discretion and the understanding that God gives you shall keep you safe from the traps, trips, and tricks that the devil lays before you to take ur faith away!

If this blessed you, or you know of someone that this will help or bless too, please share this one on your own Facebook page!

God Bless from the Real Life Ministries Team!